Monday, May 18, 2009

It's been forever!!!!

Im so bad at this i cant believe its been so long since ive wrote anything im really sorry everyone! ok update time Chris and i are loving our house and our ward! everyone is so nice. I have a calling in the primary with the CTR 8's and i love everyone of them!!!! they are such amazing kids and Bailey loves them too, esp the boys she's a big flirt already ( she's going to be a heart breaker!). CHris is enjoying working back on the streets with the police and is having fun being home. I've been busy trying to keep up with Bailey and her mess's. Bailey has since learned how to crawl and can pull herself up and stand on her own but not for very long. she loves our dvds and thinks they are her's to throw everwhere. she says mama and dada and is learning to say more but its more like maw and hi ma!. she gives hi fives and say bye when she feels like it and gives kisses and head bangs!( she hasnt gotten the dance part down just the head). and she is very determined and indepentant and doesnt like to be helped out much. and she has learned to crawl up the stairs and knows what the purpose of the baby monitore is for so whenm she wakes up she'll climb up and disconnect the monitore and hide it so that she can play or chew on he crib. she's jsut like daddy she love's to eat and play rough. and knows how to get her way. oh she has also kissed her first boy and has held hands with a number of boys from the ward and likes to read or at least act like she can we have tons of books! other than that we spend alot of time with my side of the family and are always busy . i couldnt have ever thought my life would turn out so blessded and crazy at the same time i love my life! ill post new pic really soon!