Monday, April 28, 2008

Pictures from Africa

I did it! I was finally able to upload a few pictures that Chris sent me from Africa! He is doing good missing home but work and the other marines tend to keep him busy. The first picture is of Chris in the watch tower I believe. The second one is of him and I probably will get his name wrong but i think that is Sargent Dike sitting next to Chris on a military truck. ( sorry if I got the wrong guy. There's just too many of you guys but im trying) Oh im not sure why Chris is the only one all decked out in his gear? He's probably just playing it safe which I appreciate so much! Oh and the last one is a picture that Chris took of smoke coming from a village not too far from base burning all their trash and dead animals. For those who have been to a third world country you'll know that most cities and villages dont have garbage services and most of the luxurys that we are so blessed with, so the best way for people tp get rid of all their trash and dead is to burn it. Chris says it reaks really bad. (Can you imagine espically if they are burning dead animals). Just remember to take the time to thankful for all the everyday things we take for granted like running water, a/c, your education and home you live in. Life really isnt that bad espically for us. Oh and Chris says hi everyone!


Jeremy Jo and EmmaLee Tiny said...

Hurray! I have been wanting to see pictures! I love being able to get updates on how Chris is doing.

Megan said...

awe tell chris that we miss him and can't wait for him to come back home! we miss all the fun double dates!!

Hans and Holly said...

Hurray! Jessica, you are doing a great job of blogging and being a soon to be mom. Chris looks like he is doing well. Oh man, that smoke thing reminds me of the old pig farm pn a windy day in Snowflake and just makes me feel gross. Anyways, keep up the good work Chris and Jessica.

Melissa said...

cute pics! How fun to see Chris, do tell him hello! It was great to see you the other day!

Andrea Hale said...

Jessica! Hey, did I know you're pregnant? I think ou might have told me at Marisa's shower, but I don't remember. You look great! We need to get together and catch up again! 480-353-7263